2015 United Kingdom & Ireland MegaFam
14 - 21
Brand USA – with British Airways and American Airlines – hosted a third annual MegaFam, or multi-itinerary U.S. familiarization trip, for about 70 UK travel agents in May 2015.
After splitting into seven groups, each agent embarked on one of seven itineraries. The individual trips covered a total of 22 states. Following their six-night journeys, the agents convened in Philadelphia, for the MegaFam’s grand finale, where they shared travel experiences through group presentations. They also went sightseeing in Philadelphia before heading back to the UK.
The seven itineraries were named: “East Coast Classic Fab,” “Great Lakes Gallivant,” “Ride the Rhythm,” “Deep South Soul,” “Routes and Boots” and “Parks and Peaks.” British Airways, which operates daily flights to the United States, highlighted Philadelphia as one of its U.S. hubs.
Agents qualified for invitations to the MegaFam on two accounts. First, they had to complete two modules of the Brand USA’s online-training program, the USA Discovery Program, which presents agents with information about a variety of U.S.-travel themes – such as the Great Outdoors, Big City Buzz and Coastal Escapes.
They also competed in sales production, as measured by how many U.S. travel packages (using British Airways or American Airlines) they sold during the first three months of 2015.
Brand USA MegaFams showcase the United States as a premier destination with a seemingly boundless range of diverse destinations and travel experiences beyond traditional U.S. gateways.
Once agents see these travel-opportunities and airline-related services first-hand, they are more apt to sell U.S. travel.