Market Information
Brand USA, in partnership with the U.S. Commercial Service and the National Travel and Tourism Office (NTTO), provides snapshots of the economy and information about travel from 15 global markets.
Brand USA provides insights that not only support Brand USA's marketing strategy but also serve as a resource for our partners. Market Profiles are an infographic synopsis of Brand USA's market research studies.
Report Archive
Building Prosperity Through Travel
View the presentations from the Building Prosperity through Travel meeting in Chicago on December 17, 2014.
2014 China Tourism Market Update
Telling Your Story in China
Watch Brand USA's “Telling Your Story In China,” webinar focusing on the latest trends and opportunities in China. Topics include research on travel shopping; changes in visa policy; digital and social tactics unique to China; and an overview of Brand USA programs designed to increase your effectiveness and reach in the world’s fastest-growing market. Our featured expert is Andrew Collins, CEO of Mailman, Brand USA’s digital/social agency based in Shanghai
In the summer of 2013, Brand USA launched its Global Market Intelligence program. As part of the program, Brand USA commissioned PhoCusWright, Inc. to initially conduct proprietary consumer research in 10 markets around the world (Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, South Korea, Japan, Russia and the UK). Two additional markets were added in 2014 (Brazil and Mexico).
Respondents were recruited from an online panel. For markets outside of North America, the results reflect responses from adults who travel outside of their continent for leisure. The objective of the Global Market Intelligence program is to gain insight into travelers' perceptions of the USA, its competitors, as well as general travel behaviors and preferences.
Learn how travelers around the world think about international travel, how they plan their trips, and what they think about the United States as a vacation destination. The study includes results from Canada, Mexico, Brazil, UK, Germany, Japan, China, India and Australia. Gain insight into how markets differ in perceptions and preferences, and how Brand USA is utilizing this research in its marketing strategy. View the webinar here
While the U.S. benefited from a healthy increase in arrivals in 2014, the true growth trend can easily be misunderstood because of a change in methodology. In January 2014, the National Travel and Tourism Office (NTTO) implemented a significant adjustment to international arrivals reporting using 1-94 program data.