Archived RFPs & RFIs

The purpose of this RFP is to identify an agency (or agencies) to support Brand USA’s brand strategy, creative brand development, campaign creative, and ad hoc marketing initiatives.

This is an open-ended RFI Questions Pertaining to the Brand USA Marketing Staffing RFI - Unlike the case with our typical RFPs - where there is a deadline for question submissions and a posting date for answers to questions - there is no formal question and answer period associated with this RFI. However, Brand USA does invite questions and we will periodically post answers to those questions here. The purpose of the RFI is to establish on search firm bona fides (firm experience and reputation, account manager experience, and pricing scheme) on the record. Brand USA will get into more specific detail with qualified firms, but only after we have received their material. Here are Brand USA's initial response to questions concerning the Marketing Staffing RFI.  

The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to identify the appropriate global media agency to provide planning and buying services in our target markets for integrated marketing and advertising communications.

The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to identify an appropriate vendor (or vendors) who will support Brand USA's various research needs. The range of research services required will vary upon the objective of each individual project.

Brand USA seeks an Itinerary Planning tool that enables visitors to to build their own trip plan based on personal interests for travel to the United States.

The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to select a general contractor who specializes in the construction of video production studios. The general contractor will work with suitable vendors to purchase and install equipment in a one-room facility at Brand USA’s offices in Washington, D.C.

The purpose of this Request for Interest (RFI) is to identify a series concept and production partner for a travel entertainment series showcasing Black and Brown culture across the USA for GoUSA TV, Brand USA’s digital television network. Our objective is to amplify Black and Brown voices to promote the diversity of the USA.

The purpose of this Request for Interest (RFI) is to identify a consultant to obtain carriage for streaming and video-on-demand platforms for GoUSA TV, which is Brand USA’s digital television network.

Given both the incredible disruption to travel and tourism as a whole, and international travel in particular, and that Brand USA has actively served the needs of the U.S. travel and tourism industry for 10 years this is an excellent time to assess what we’re doing and how we can improve and better meet our mission. Brand USA is seeking a skilled third party to aid the board of directors and management in assessing the state of the organization, from a big picture “rearticulation of Brand USA’s mission and vision” to functional review of internal and external processes that fundamentally move the company forward.

The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to identify the appropriate vendor to support Brand USA by providing virtual qualitative and quantitative testing services through focus groups, surveys, and other research. Specifically, Brand USA expects to conduct creative concept testing, identify travel interests, and other motivations or concerns through testing.